domingo, 28 de diciembre de 2014

2015 Goals.

   As the year was ending, I made this entry to program it to post in someday in January. With too little time to think, I have to make a list of what are my 2015's goals. It's not that it's too important to me but it keeps me focused on one goal.

2015's New Year Resolutions (or Goals):

  1. Buy atleast three (3) books.
  1. Write atleast 10,000 words.
  1. Develop a plot.
  1. Buy something nice because I deserve it.
  1. Improve my drawings.
  1. ???
  1. Don't be so angry and stressed over life.
I really hope everyone get to make their goals for this new year, it can get stressful but we should put ourselves first, our mental and physical health. So have a safe and happy new year!

miércoles, 10 de diciembre de 2014


   Life is a crazy ride, with stressful moments but with happy ones too. Sometimes you feel the need to just dig a hole and jump in there so you cannot feel anything anymore but you have no option but to continue. And there are those times where you feel like you can change the world, like you can do everything and life's gonna be okay.

   I feel like we should take advantage of those moments when we feel like everything's possible and make the most of it, and when we're feeling bad it's that necessary mental and physical break from life. The break in which we just lay in bed and sleep through the whole day, or listen to music and just getting lost in our own thoughts.

   Because if we don't make our brains to take a rest, we will be drained in the end, making ourselves feel worn out and worse than when we are having a bad day.

   I know life isn't easy and sometimes you just can't just take a nap for a day, but our mental health it's as important as our physical one and we tend to forget it.

martes, 9 de diciembre de 2014


   Al final todos tienen razón, alejo a las personas. Ellos sólo tratan lo mejor de si y yo sólo las empujo lejos y me alejo. ¿Por qué siquiera tengo amigos?

domingo, 7 de diciembre de 2014


   I am so tired of screwing it up. I should just shut up so I don't mess up again.

jueves, 4 de diciembre de 2014


  I have always been afraid,
afraid of not suceeding,
of not being perfect,
of not being something valuable.
I am afraid of not achieving my dreams,
I am afraid I will never make my goals true.

miércoles, 3 de diciembre de 2014


  We are scared of different things, we are scared of stand up, we are scared of doing something, we just take actions when people already arised.

martes, 2 de diciembre de 2014


   Todo en la vida es efímero, inclusive nuestros sentimientos. Pero, ¿lo malo de que éstos sean efímeros? Pues que conforme nuestros sentimientos tomamos acciones, y al final los sentimientos son temporales y las acciones son permanentes.